Indonesia Website Awards

Website Berita & Gaya Hidup – The Editors Club

website berita & gaya hidup

Website Berita & Gaya Hidup – The Editors Club is the leading digital platform in Indonesia for upscale fashion and high-end lifestyle. A platform that gather the best fashion and lifestyle editors in Indonesia and Southeast Asia to give their opinions on a regular basis, write their own reviews, make a report, and analyse the trend in the most chic and sophisticated way of communication.

The site content are comprehensively produced by a bunch of experienced people who have mastered in fashion and lifestyle scenario like senior editors, fashion stylists, beauty experts, icons, designers, influencers, etc.

Being in the media and fashion industry for over 15 years, including ELLE Magazine and Fashion TV, and L’Officiel Indonesia, Chief Editor Hessy Aurelia created The Editors Club with the aim to answer people’s need for a credible media and to fill the void of an informed, analytical, opinionated point of view on the stylish lifestyle.

ProjectThe Editors Club
LaunchAug 2017

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